Welcome to The Women's Circle 

A supportive community for Women health, Women life and Women Soul.


A women's circle is an old tradition that has existed through many generations.

Here women met to create a safe place where they could support each other and also where they could be supported themself - the purpose is to share and gain knowledge about everything that relates to being a woman.

Newer science shows that when you as a woman feel a sense of community with other women, it has a healthy impact on your hormone system due to the release of oxytocin.

This Women Circle will be a safe and sacred gathering place for you as a woman, where you can be heard and seen - exactly as who you are.

Here we will together develop our knowledge about the body, life and health of a woman.

Who is this membership for?

  • For you, who are longing for a deeper connection with yourself.

  • For you, who are curios about the woman body, hormones and holistic health.

  • For you, who want to connect with other women.

  • For you, who want to understand how you and nature are connected.

  • For you, who want to Learn about the science and practice of herbal medicine

  • For you, who want to learn the best from the holistic world and from the traditionel science.

Who Is Christine?

I am an educated Doctor Certified Complementary Hormone Therapist, Sexoligist and a Functional Medicine practioner.

I am a holistic health nerd, a love nerd and a free living enthusiast ♡

I was sick, very sick, everything from chronical acne, lost the most of my hair, always sick with a flu, a body filled with pathogenes, fungal infection and so stressed. I had no energy, sex drive, I was depressed and couldn't feel myself at all.

I needed to find an answer! And that has lead me on a road into the world of health, both in the holistic world but also in the world of science. 

I understood very fast, that I needed to dig deep on many levels if I my healing were to be succesful - therefore, I started working on my inner self (trauma, believes, past, etc.), my body (health, genes, food, herbs, etc.), and understanding the rules of nature, and how my woman body is connected to these nature rules.

The things I learned on my road to healing myself is what I want to pass on to you through this Women Circle. 

I want to bring you on a journey, together with me and other women, where we go into the holistic world of health.

Because we can’t heal other, before we have healed our self ♡


Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes! The membership is on a month-to-month basis, you will be billed $17 immediately and then $17 monthly from that point on. Each month you will receive new content, as well as unlimited access to all the content from previous months.

There are no obligations aside from the first month you sign up, if you decide after that you are no longer interested simply cancel before your next payment is withdrawn.

Once canceled you'll have access to the membership until the end of the month you've paid for. After that, you'll no longer have access, unless you sign up in the future. 

Is the membership refundable?

Since you'll have access to all of the content instantly, refunds for the $17 monthly payment are not available. However you may cancel at anytime before your next payment is withdrawn and you will not be billed again the following month. 

What will happened the first months in the group?

The first months we are gonna talk about:

  • Oxytocin and Cortisol - How you by everyday rituals of pleasure can make yourself healthy through enjoyment - and why this is so important for women.
  • Your cycle - How your cycle is effecting your body, how women are connected to the moon and how the different seasons in the cycle are effecting your mind.
  • Stephanie (Holistic nurse) and I will bring you in to the world of women's sexuality - How trauma in our womb can give us symptoms/diseases and hormonel imbalance.
  • Become your own herbalism - Learn about the science and practice of herbal medicine.
  • Earth and body connection - How our body is talking and connecting with nature all the time. 
  • Let´s talk about food - What should we eat and how confusing all the diets that exist in this world are.
  • Men and women - How we are different, and how our hormonal diversity makes it difficult to sometimes understand each other in a relationship.
  • Wild Feminin - Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body. 
  • And so much more is coming up!

How does the community work?

 It's all in one place for you and it is also all completely off of social media, so no chance to get lost in the scrolling game!

A client experience

"From the very first consultation with Christine, I felt in safe hands. She is incredibly sweet, empathetic and patient, and she always dedicates time and attention - even when I know she is extremely busy. Christine is highly skilled at addressing problems from multiple angles, and she keeps at it, until we get to the root of the problem. She is also very thorough and detailed when putting together a diet and supplements for me. Further to this, she pays close attention to the costs, related to taking only the laboratory tests, that truly matter to me.

Following the course with Christine, I've come to learn so much more about my body and I've gained a better understanding of the signals it sends. I've also acquired new valuable knowledge on how to better support my body with supplements, exercises and holistic thinking, depending on how I feel and what I need."
- Bettina, Copenhagen
( Client )


I can’t wait to create this place together with you and many more women.

Love Christine